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  • For registration of the rent application,, mark suitable options on the current page in the column "@", then press "To add" make the same operation on the other pages, after press "Register" and fill in the application.
    The price, and presence of an object can be changed without any preliminary notice.
Last updated: 15.10.2024 18:33:09  
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15063 6 1 1 No 1 680 0 Intergelpo - - no no no no 150
15093 3 1 2 No 1 800 0 Bakayeva Akhunbaeva Isy - yes no Machine no 100
11381 3 1 1 Yes 1 150 0 Sovetskaya Arychny Lane - Partly no no - no 0
15038 4 1 1 No 2 900 0 Karpinskogo Ogonbayeva - yes yes Machine Outside 100
15119 2 1 1 No 1 360 0 Baha Tokombaeva st. - yes no no - no 0
15117 4 1 1 No 1 580 0 Yuliusa Fuchika Zhibek Zholu av. - Partly no Machine - no 180

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